Altered Images: 150 Years of Posed and Manipulated Docuenary Photograh

On View: Jun 20 – Aug 2, 2015

Bronx Documentary Center
614 Courtlandt Ave, Bronx, NY 10451

This exhibition will explore disputed images in photojournalism and documentary photography–photos that have been faked, posed and retouched.

This exhibition is curated by Mike Kamber and Cynthia Rivera.

Spanish translations by Maria de la Paz Galindo. 

This exhibition was made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; and the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.

From the American Civil War to this year’s World Press Photo contest, in which judges disqualified 20% of the finalists, some photographers have misled the public or made mistakes of judgement and execution. This groundbreaking exhibition examines many of the most prominent cases and shines a spotlight on acceptable documentary practice and ethical photojournalism.