2nd Annual Latin American Foto Festival

On View: July 11 – 21, 2019

BDC, 614 Courtlandt Ave, BDC Annex,
364 E. 151st St, and outdoor venues

Featuring: Johis Alarcon • Equador I Citlali Fabian • Mexico I Tonatiuh Cabello Móran • Costa Rica I Christopher Gregory • Puerto Rico I Fred Ramos • El Salvador I Andres Cardona • Colombia I Yael MartínezMexico

The Latin American Foto Festival is curated by Cynthia Rivera and Michael Kamber. 

Spanish translations by Maria de la Paz Galindo. 

Outdoor vinyl exhibitions printed by Photoville.

This exhibition was made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; and the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.

The Bronx Documentary Center’s (BDC) 2nd Annual Latin American Foto Festival will bring award-winning photographers from the Caribbean and Latin America to exhibit their work. Nearly all the photographers involved in this year’s festival live and work in their home countries. They will also be holding workshops, tours, and panel discussions for the BDC’s community, which is home to many thousands of Latino immigrants. Many of these events will be conducted in Spanish.

Two of the photographers in this year’s festival celebrate the role and strength of women throughout Latin America. Citlali Fabian will show her large-format portraits of Mestiza women in Mexico while Johis Alarcon explores the cultural roots of Afro-Ecuadorian communities. 

Tonatiuh Cabello Móran, member of Costa Rican collective Colectivo Nómada, photographs intimate and offbeat celebrations of Catholicism throughout Latin America; his photos will be exhibited at Immaculate Conception Church, around the corner from the BDC. 

Christopher Gregory documents La Ruta Del Progreso, a decrepit highway started in the 1950s to showcase Puerto Rico’s prosperity and modernization.

Two exhibitions of Venezualan photography expose the violence, poverty, and political upheaval that have driven an estimated three million to flee their homeland in the largest mass migration in recent Latin American history.

Another focus of this year’s festival will be Mexican and Central American photographers who explore the link between violence and migration. Fred Ramos of El Salvador and Luis Soto of Guatemala will exhibit long-term projects on this theme. Yael Martinez of Mexico and Andres Cardona of Colombia—who have both lost family members to death squads—explore the personal costs, much of it state-sponsored, to decades of violence.